Company executive

Are you running a business?

Transformation, globalization, digitization, drastic changes in the market, post-pandemic state of the industry, delivery difficulties, raise in turnover, partial unemployment, employee demands, teleworking...

One challenge comes after another, all of which must be best managed by a company executive. This quickly gives the impression of being overtaken by events.

Entreprise en réunion: collaborateurs discutants du futur de l'entreprise


Candidates in a waiting room for potential outplacement

Humanys supports you in your choices

Strengthen your foundations: Our approach is focused on your success

The more solid our foundations, the less vulnerable we are to stress in the event of unforeseen or involuntary adversity. Maintaining our sovereignty in difficult situations preserves our ability to act and has become a determining factor in entrepreneurship.

Assessing a talent's potential correctly, understanding a company's values and strategies, guiding a manager towards the next step in his or her career: the Humanys approach always starts with a careful and sensitive understanding of the situation.

Take stock of your situation as a business owner and focus on the actions you need to take. Let's work together to ensure your company's success!

Our servicessouth

Despite all these efforts, it is common to see valued colleagues resign and young talents lose interest in available opportunities. Retention management becomes desperate in a work world where experienced employees are nearing retirement, and Generation Z, ready to enter the market, feels no urgency to start.

Current challenges:

  • Reducing employee turnover
  • Increasing employee engagement
  • Improving employee experience
  • Attracting and evaluating new talent
  • Proving return on investment in HR

Our solution:

We help you retain your top performers and talents, engage them, and turn employee retention into a strength. A comprehensive personnel marketing strategy is essential to effectively manage the various dimensions of recruitment and control key HR metrics.

What we offer:

  • Strategic personnel management
  • Ideas and strategies to attract and retain talent
  • Enhancing your public brand image
  • Long-term satisfaction and retention of employees

With our expertise and personnel evaluation system, we highlight your strengths and potential, establish clear reports on your key metrics, and provide proven improvement methods.

Your goal:

Imagine becoming the most attractive employer in your market within 1 to 2 years. The top talents and executives aspire to work for you. Humanys helps you overcome obstacles and achieve this goal.

Our approach
  • counter_1 psychology_alt
    HR Audit

    Individual interviews
    Anonymous survey
    Consolidation report

  • counter_2 format_ink_highlighter
    Definition of work areas

    Based on the audit results, the client selects the areas of development they wish to invest in

  • counter_3 devices
    Website & social media analysis

    Social media presence based on your industry and target audience

  • counter_4 handshake
    Recruitment process

    Complete recruitment process, including onboarding and offboarding / ATS, CRM / AI.

  • counter_5 home
    Work-Life Balance

    Definition of existing benefits and upcoming developments

  • counter_6 favorite
    Values and corporate culture

    Definition of existing benefits and upcoming developments

  • counter_7 school
    Training policy

    Assessment of current skills / Identification of gaps / Prioritization of needs

  • counter_8 movie
    Promotional video Distribution platform selection

    Script definition - Filming and video editing

Imagine this situation: one of your senior executives is facing increasing challenges. Tensions are rising within their team, strategic decisions are encountering resistance, and overall motivation is declining. They are a capable leader, but they need external support to overcome these obstacles and rejuvenate their department.

This is where our executive coaching service comes in.

Our executive coaching program is a personalized support service, consisting of 5 to 8 individual sessions lasting 1 to 1.5 hours each. During these sessions, your leader will benefit from:

  • Personality assessments: Understanding strengths and areas for development
  • 360° Feedback: Gaining perspectives from peers, subordinates, and superiors
  • Practical exercises: Developing concrete skills in real-time
  • In-depth discussions: Exploring the challenges encountered and finding tailored solutions

Some examples of topics covered

  • Conflict management and decision-making
  • Enhancing the ability to inspire and motivate
  • Encouragement for self-reflection and self-awareness
  • Increase in self-confidence and emotional intelligence
  • Navigating through periods of transition
  • Strengthening resilience
  • Resistance to change
  • Alignment with the company's strategy

Gain access to an external, confidential, flexible, experienced, and impartial perspective. This outside viewpoint facilitates the identification of blind spots and growth opportunities for your executives.

Our approach
  • counter_1 support_agent
    Setting goals between coach and coachee
  • counter_2 quick_reference_all
    Articulation of the initial request
  • counter_3 quick_reference_all
    Articulation of the current state
  • counter_4 lightbulb
    Projection into the desired state
  • counter_5 flag
    Determination of the objective
  • counter_6 feedback
    Articulation of the bottlenecks and options
  • counter_7 strategy
    Articulation of the strategy
  • counter_8 tactic
    Development of the action plan

Your business faces new challenges in ever-shorter cycles which induces changes in strategy or restructuring. When businesses are restructured, merged or even outsourced, this often leads to redundancies.

Still, as an employer, you know that a company's brand image plays a decisive role in recruitment, especially among younger generations. This brand image is put to the test in situations of redundancies within companies.

Are you allowed to make mistakes in these situations? No.

In the event of an error in the separation process, the value of the company can be enormously affected and lead to high costs, such as industrial tribunal procedures, loss of image, demotivation of the employees who have remained, and much more.

With professional outplacement support proposed by Humanys, the necessary organizational changes are not blocked, and litigation costs can be avoided. The separation process takes place in a fair, consensual and socially conscious manner.

The aim of a professional outplacement is to find a fair and future-oriented solution for both parties - the company and the specialists or managers who are leaving.

Our approach
  • counter_1 psychology_alt
    Analysis of the situation
  • counter_2 account_tree
    Definition of a process
  • counter_3 campaign
    Internal communication
  • counter_4 verified
  • counter_5 visibility
    HR monitoring and reporting