Solution 50+: Give value to your experience and boost your employability.

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Sometimes finding a new job after age 50 can be a challenge. The difficulties of reintegrating into the labour market are well known. However, the Vaudois Employment Service offers an innovative solution for unemployed people aged 50 and over: the Solution 50+ measure.

In partnership with Humanys Solutions SA, an Interiman Group member expert in Human Resources, this professional reintegration measure aims to help people in their fifties find work by promoting their profile on digital tools. Thanks to their presence in French-speaking Switzerland and their extensive network of potential employers, Humanys Solutions offers real opportunities to job seekers, in particular thanks to the Group’s sister-company Activis, specialized in the recruitment of seniors and retirees.

Your professional experience is a real added value. Your skills, patience and ability to take a step back are essential assets, often more developed than among young professionals. However, it is sometimes difficult for seniors to showcase themselves and attract the attention of employers, especially on social networks, which are essential in the recruitment process today.

This is where our experts intervene. They identify your strengths based on current job market requirements, allowing you to regain your self-confidence. With the help of our experienced coaches, you will develop an optimized application file, designed to attract the attention of recruiters thanks to the digital platforms algorithms specialized in candidate searches. Our goal is to make you stand out and help you land a first interview.

By adopting this personal marketing strategy, you will demonstrate your adaptability to new trends and your mastery of social networks. To facilitate this process, we provide you with a professional studio where you can record a powerful presentation video, thus setting yourself apart from traditional CVs.

The participants who have benefited from this measure praise the support, professionalism and availability of our coaches. The advisers of the Office régional de placement (Regional Placement Office – ORP) note an increase in the self-confidence of the participants and confirm the effectiveness of this measure in improving your employability in the labour market.

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